Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Prediction of Pavement Performance Using Multistate Survival ModelsAhmad Altarabsheh; Rawan Altarabsheh; Sara Altarabsheh; and Ibrahim AsiJournal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements147American Society of Civil Engineers10/11/2020
System of Systems Approach for Maintaining Wastewater SystemA Altarabsheh, A Kandil, D Abraham, D DeLaurentis, M VentrescaJournal of Computing in Civil Engineering33Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering/ASCE2019-03-12 00:00:00
Markov chain modulated Poisson process to stimulate thenumber of blockages in sewer networksA Altarabsheh, M Ventresca, A Kandil, D AbrahamCanadian Journal of Civil Engineering46----2019-04-22 00:00:00
New approach for critical pipe prioritization in wastewater asset management planningA Altarabsheh, M Ventresca, A KandilJournal of Computing in Civil Engineering--------2018
New Multiobjective Optimization Approach to Rehabilitate and Maintain Sewer Networks Based on Whole Lifecycle BehaviorA Altarabsheh, A Kandil, M VentrescaJournal of Computing in Civil Engineering--------2018
Evolutionary algorithm for selecting wastewater system configurationA Altarabsheh, M Ventresca, A KandilJournal of Computing in Civil Engineering--------2018
A hybrid genetic algorithm to maintain road networks using reliability theoryAhmad Altarabsheh, Ibrahim Altarabsheh, Mario venteriscastructure and infrastructure engineering--------2021
An Efficient Multi-Objective Optimization Framework to Maintain Road Networks Based on Bayesian Optimization and Reliability TheoryAhmad Altarabsheh, Ibrahim Altarabsheh, Sara AltarabshehCanadian Journal of Civil Engineering--------20/7/2022
Unobserved heterogeneity and temporal instability in an analysis of household water consumption under block rate pricingAhmad Altarabsheh, Dulcy Abraham, Ibrahim AltarabshehAQUA-Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society--------2023