Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Analysis of Skeletal Remains fron Buena Vista - Perú in Appendix II: Informe Preliminario de ProyectAhmad Y. Abu Dalou2003
Head Shape and Size as Possible Indicators of Childhood Stress in North Jordan (1900 - 1978): A StudAbu Dalou, A.Y., Al-Shiyab, A.H., and Robert, B.AHuman Biology: The International Journal of Population Genetics and Anthropology80 (4): 393-407Wayne State University2008
Rapid Changes in Head Dimensions among two Homogenous Populations: A Study in Physical AnthropologyAl-Shiyab, A.H., and Abu Dalou, A.Y.Abhath Al-Yarmouk, Humanities and Social Sciences Series 26 (4): 993-1001Deanship of Scientific Research-Yarmouk University2010
Thirty Years of the Department of Anthropology at Yarmouk University, Jordan (1984-2014): The OverviAbu Dalou, A.Y., Alrousan, M.F, Khwelih, A., Sekhaneh, W., and Alsboul, A.Q.Bioarchaeology of the Near East8: 109 - 1182014
Burial habits of Human Skeletal Remains in Jars from Archaeological Site of Sahab: Jordan: A BioarchAbu Dalou, A.Y., Elserogy, A., and Ibrahim, M.Proceedings of the First International Conference"Egypt and Mediyerranean Countries Through Ages3: 7-192014
الاثار البيولوجية والصحية السلبية لزواج الاقارب في سمال الاردن: دراسة وصفيةابودلو, احمد يوسف و الشبول , ايمن قاسم والروسان, محمد فوازمجلة شؤون اجتماعية128: 9-38جمعية الاجتماعيين2015
The Treatment of Infertility Using Ethnomedical Practices in Northern Jordan: A Medical AnthropologiAbu Dalou, A.Y., Alshboul, A.Q., Na'amenh, M., Sekhaneh, W., and Alrousan, M.FAustralian Journal of Herbal Medicine 27(1):3-8NHAA2015
Prevalence and Factors Associated with the Occurrence of Preterm Birth in Irbid Governorate of JordaMohmmad, K.I., Abu Dalou, A.Y., Kassab, M., Gramble, J., and Creedy, D.KInternational Journal of Nursing Practice21:505-5102015
Height of Northern Jordanian Middle -class Adults, Born 1960-1990 in the Reponse to Improving Socio-Abu Dalou, A.YEconomics and Human Biology22: 155-1602016
Cephalic Index as a Weak Sex Estimate in the Bioarchaeological Investigations and Forensic AnthropolAbu Dalou, A.Y.Journal of South India Medicolegal Association8 (2):55 602016