Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Maximizing Lifetime Sequences of Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Renewable EnergyA. Abu-Baker, H. Huang, and S. MisraSensor Review JournalVol. 34 Iss: 4, pp.374 - 381Emerald2014
Green Diffusion: Data Dissemination in Sensor Networks Using Solar Power.A. Abu-Baker, H. Huang, E. Johnson, and S. MisraProceedings of IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC).Pages: 803-807IEEE2011
Maximizing α-Lifetime of Sensor Networks with Solar Energy Sources.A. Abu-Baker, H. Huang, E. Johnson, S. Misra, R. Asorey-Cacheda, and M. BalakrishnanProceedings of IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM).Pages: 125-129IEEE2010
The Impact of Hamming Code and Cyclic Code on MPSK and MQAM Systems over AWGN Channel: Performance AnalysisAmjad Abu-Baker, Khaled Bani-Hani, Firas Khasawneh, Abdullah JaradatUniversal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering8Horizon Research PublishingMarch 2021
Capacity of Large-Scale Wireless Networks Under Jamming: Modeling and AnalysesHong Huang, Yousef Jaradat, Satyajayant Misra, Amjad Abu-Baker, Rafael Asorey-Cacheda, Reza Tourani, Mohammad Masoud, Ismael JannoudIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology66IEEE2017
Energy-Efficient Routing in Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks: Optimization and AnalysisAmjad Abu-BakerJordan Journal of Electrical Engineering2Tafila Technical University, support of SRISF, Jordanian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research2016
Energy-Efficient Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks Using Adaptive Modulation:Performance AnalysisAmjad Abu-Baker, Ahmad Alshamali and Yanal ShawaheenIEEE Access9IEEE2021-10-08
Efficient Data Collection in UAV-Assisted Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks for 3D Environment: Optimization StudyAmjad Abu-Baker, Hazim Shakhatreh, Ahmad Sawalmeh, Ali H. AleneziJournal of Sensors2023Wiley-Hindawi12/4/2023