Funded Projects
TitleScience FeildSharingNational Or LocalDate
- Seasonal Variations and Depth Dependence of Soil Radon Concentration Levels in Different Geological Formations In Deir Abu-Said District, Irbid, Jordanعلوم ارض وبيئةداخل الجامعةتمويل محلي----
- An Assessment of Geological and Sediment Properties of the Soil in Al-Ramtha Area, Northeast Jordanعلوم ارض وبيئةداخل الجامعةجامعة اليرموك----
- Petrography, Microfacies and Geochemistry of Phosphate Beds in the Upper Cretaceous Amman Formation, SE Irbid-Jordanعلوم ارض وبيئةداخل الجامعةجامعة اليرموك----