Behavioral Determinants and Policy Evaluation for Islamic Banks in Jordan | | Abhath AL-Yarmouk, Yarmouk University, | Vol. 6, No.3, | | 1990. |
Inflation From An Islamic Perspective,, | | Abhath AL-Yarmouk, Yarmouk University | Vol. 8, No. 4, | | 1992. |
The Cooperative Output in Jordan,, ,. | | Economic and Business Review | , Vol. 1 | | January 1993 |
Water Wells in Irbid Governarate : Their Role in Solving the Water Shortages And The Obstacles Facin | | Journal of king Saud University | , Vol. 7, | | 1995. |
The Productivity of Jordanian Dinar That Lent as a Credit by the Commercial Banks in the Jordanian E | | Abhath AL_Yarmouk, Yarmouk University | Vol. 10, No. 3 | | 1994 |
The Discouraged and Added Worker Effects in the Jordanian Labor Market, | | Asian Affairs | Vol. 16, No. 1 | | 1994 |
The Impact of Inflation on Zakat and the Role of Zakat in Reducing Inflation Rate,,, | | Abhath AL_Yarmouk, Yarmouk University | vol. 11, no. 3 | | 1995 |
The Impact of an Increase in Public Expenditures on Some Economic Variables in Jordan,, . | | Abhath AL_Yarmouk, Yarmouk University | Vol. 11, No. 4 | | 1995 |
Labor Supply Curve in An Islamic Economy, , University of Qatar.,. | | Journal of Administrative Sciences and Economics | Vol. 6 | | 1995 |
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Trade - off Relationship Between Social Services, Development Services and Defense, | | Journal of Administrative Sciences and Economics | | | 1996 |
Islamic Banks in Qatar: An Evaluation of Quality of Services, | | the Center for Documents and Humanities Studies | | | 1996 |
“Monopoly” Between Islamic Jurisprudence and Capitalist Economic Theory, | | the Journal of Sharia and Islamic Studies | | | 1996 |
The Impact of Primary Exports Problems on Jordanian Economic Growth | Prof. Dr. Qasem Hamouri1 Dr. Mohammad Al-Battainah2 | test engineering and management | 82 | scopus | 11-1-2020 |
Reflection of Remittances on Advancement of REM &ICTs sectors in developing countries | Qasem Hamouri | Test engineering & managment | 82 | scopus | 2-1-2020 |
The Impact of Workers‟ Remittances on the performance of Jordanian Financial Market | Qasem Hamouri Omar Alshrydeh | Test Engineering & managment | 82 | scoups | 7-1-2020 |
The Effect of Remittances on the Real Estate Market in Jordan | Qasem Hamouri | international journal of recent technology and engineering | 8 | scopus | 1-1-2020 |
the impact of workers remittances on the performance of jordanian finanical market | ---- | ---- | 82 | test engineering & management | 2020-01-07 00:00:00 |
Refletction of remittances on advancement of Rem & ICT sectors in developing countries | ---- | ---- | 82 | test engineering and management | 2020-01-02 00:00:00 |
the impact of primary exports problems on jordanian economic growth | ---- | ---- | 82 | test engineering & management | 2020-01-11 00:00:00 |
the effect of Remittances on the real estate market in jordan | ---- | ---- | 8 | ---- | 2020-01-01 00:00:00 |
The strategic Relationship between Health Status, Total Health Expenditure and Economic Growth in Jordan | ---- | ---- | 24 | ---- | 2020-03-01 00:00:00 |
The Impact of Credit Concentration on Firm Performance:
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