Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
List of the publications
Rock Fall in Zarqa River,Northern JordanAbderahman,NYarmouk UnivercityVol.2,pp:111-122Abhath Al-Yarmouk1994
Amman-Jarash Highway Landslides(Case Study:South of Jarash New BridgeAbderahman,Nyarmouk UnivercityVol.5,No.2,pp.177-196Abhath Al-Yarmouk1996
Geotechnical Studies of Three Main Slide Along Jarash-Amman HighwayMaNSOUR,Z.,Mustafa,H.and Abderahman,NYarmouk UnivercityVol.6,No.1,pp.79-104Abhath Al-Yarmouk1997
Mineralogical Composition of Soil and Building Problems in Northern part of jordan.Abderahman,N.Yarmouk UnivercityAbhath Al-Yarmouk1997
Landslide at Km 56.4 Along the Irbid-Amman Highway,Northen Jordan.Abderahman,NThe American Association of Petroleum-Geologists,Division of Environmental Geosciencesvol.41998
water Quality of the major springs in Deair Abu Said Catchment Area,North Jordan.Awad,M.,Abderahman,N.and Sheraideh,S.The Egyption Journal of ology.1998
Water Quality of the major springs in Maqarin Dam Site Catchment area,North Jordan.Abderahman,N,and Awad,MAAPG division of Environmental Geosciences .Vol.92003
Evaluating Sediment Yield at King Talal Reservoir from Landslides along Irbid-Amman Highway,Al-Sheriadeh,M., malkawi,A., Al-Hamdan,and Abderahman,N.Engineering Geologyvol.56(3-4)pp361-3712000
sinkhole Hazards along the eastern Dead Sea shorline area,Jordan: a geological and geotechnical consTaqieddin,S.Abderahman,N.and Atallah,M.Environmental Geology.39(11)pp1237-12532000
Water Quality Analysis of Hummar and Naur Aquifer Springs in the Suf area,North JordanAbu Rukah,Y. and Abderahman,N.Geological Engineering(Turkey).24(1)pp23-362000
Rate of Undercutting in slopes along Highways in Jordan and its influence on the stability of slopesAbderahman,N.Bulletin of Engineering Geology and Environmental Sciences.66,303-309.2007
Geological and Geotechical characteristics of Karameh Dam Site, North of the Dead Sea,JordanAbdrahman,N and Darwish,AlaBulletin of Engineering Geology and Environmental Sciencesvol.60/42001
Application of Geophysical Surveys on the Investigation of the proposed site for Khartoum Refinery//Abdelwahab,M., Abderahman,N and Ayed,M.Basic Sciences and Engineering.11(2A)52-547Abhath Al-Yarmouk2001
Investigation of shallow ground water in Tulu Al Ashqif Highlands,JordanAbu Jaber,N. and othersSeries of Basic sciences and Engineering. 12(2A)381-400Abhath Al-Yarmouk2003
Assessment Study of heavy metal distribution within soil in Upper Course of Zarqa River basin/JordanAbderahman,N.,Abu RukahEnvironmental Geology. 49(8)1116-11242005
Mineralogic composition of Basalt as construction materialAbderahman,N and Akhal,H.Series of Basic Sciences and Engineering. 13(2)283-300Abhath Al-Yarmouk2003
Microfacies and Depositional Environment of the Upper Gretaceous Phosphortes in Northern JordanShinaq,R.Sherideh, S. and Saifuldin,N.Freiberger Forschungshefte c:51145-582006
Geoelectrical and Hydrochemical investigations in the Hallabat area, North Jordan.Ghunaim S., Mustafa,H. and Abderahman, N.Geoelectrical and Hydrochemical investigation in the Hallabt area, North JAordan.16(1)59-91Abhath Al-Yarmouk 2007
Assessing groundwater vulnerability in Ramtha area by Modified DRASTIC index . ( sent for publicatioAberahman,N.
Water Rock interaction at Maqarin Dam Site Catchment area, North Jordan. ( Sent for Publication)Abderahman, N.