Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Clients’ satisfaction about non-governmental organizations (NGOS) services in JordanA AL KhatatnehInternational NGO Journal--------2013
Refugees in Jordan “A Sociological PerspectiveA AL KhatatnehSocial Responsibility Journal--------2014
Social Responsibility JournalA AL Khatatnehconference of Association for Scientific Research Amman-Jordan--------2015
The violation against Jordanian woman, A field study about violation styles in JordanA AL KhatatnehJournal of center for scientific researches--------2011
The Socio-demographic dimensions of divorce in JordanM AL Khatatneh, A., & KaradshehJournal of Humanities, Qousantenah University, Algeria,--------2009