Asthma Attack Monitoring and Diagnosis: A Proposed System | | | | |
Exam Scheduling System | | | | |
A Hybrid System of Iris and Fingerprint Recognition for Security Applications | | | | |
A Fingerprint Minutia Matching Method Using Rotatevalues Matrix and a Rotation Correction Predictor | | | | |
Low-rank Estimation Based Evolutionary Clustering for Community Detection in Temporal Networks | E Al-Sharoa, M Al-khassaweneh, S Aviyente | | | ---- |
Letter Recognition and Drawing Using Pioneer 3dx Robot | Hongye Shi, Yifan Kong, Deheng Deng, Hanlin Wang, Jichu Yao, Samar Bayan, Mahmood Al-khassaweneh | | | ---- |
Intelligent Hotel ROS-based Service Robot | Yanyu Zhang, Xiu Wang, Xuan Wu, Wenjing Zhang, Meiqian Jiang, Mahmood Al-Khassaweneh | | | ---- |
A New Type of ROS-Based Pedagogical Robot for Kids’ Mathematics Education | Bo-Zhou Zha, Mofei Cheng, Songhao Liu, Luyang Liu, Peiwen Sun, Mahmood Al-khassaweneh | | | ---- |
Robust and Invisible Watermarking Technique Based on Frei-Chen Bases | Mahmood Al-khassaweneh | | | ---- |
Temporal Block Spectral Clustering for Multi-Layer Temporal Functional Connectivity Networks | Esraa Al-Sharoa, Mahmood Al-khassaweneh, Selin Aviyente | | | ---- |
Detecting brain dynamics during resting state: a tensor based evolutionary clustering approach | Esraa Al-sharoa, Mahmood Al-khassaweneh, Selin Aviyente | | | ---- |
A new partitioning-based data gathering algorithm for path-constrained mobile elements in wireless sensor networks | A Alhasanat, M Al-Khassaweneh, A Twaisi | | | ---- |
Machine Learning Approach for Facial Expression Recognition | Gory, Seth and Al-Khassaweneh, Mahmood and Szczurek, Piotr | 2020 IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (EIT) | | IEEE |
Robust and invisible watermarking technique based on Frei-Chen bases. | Al-khassaweneh, M. | | | ---- |