Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
The Return and volatility spillovers between FTSE All Shares Index and S&P 500 IndexKhaled Qasem BatainehInvestment Management and Financial Innovations19Limited Liability Company “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives26/4/2022
Research on Corporate Social Responsibility: Insights and Future DirectionsButhiena Kharabsheh, Hussam Al-Shammari, Khaled BatainehAdministrative Sciences13MDPI20/2/2023
Crude Oil Prices and the Egyptian Economy Evidence from the Stock MarketKhaled BatainehInternational Journal of Energy Economics and Policy14EconJournals15/1/2024
Determinants of UK companies’ dividend policyMunther Momany, Khaled Bataineh, Omar Al-BatainehInvestment Management and Financial Innovations21Business Perspectives19/03/2024