Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
СПЕЦИФИКА ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ РУССКОГО ПРОИЗНОШЕНИЯ В АРАБОЯЗЫЧНОЙ АУДИТОРИИ ///specifics of the Prussian pShabul Ibrahim Messenger of kyiv national linguistic university /ISSN 2311-08217/63-69Kyiv national linguistic university 2015
Problems of the phonetic interference by the studying Russian by Arabs ibrahim al shabulДнiпропетровский нацiоральной унiвернитесь iменI Олеся гончара /мовознавсто55-60 Днiпропетровский нацiоральной унiвернитесь iменI Олеся гончара / Вiсник днiпропетровскького унiвер2016
specifics of the Russian pronunciation in Arabic-language AudinceAL Shabul, IbrahimMessenger of kyiv National University18Messenger of kyiv National University2015
Problematic Issues When Learning RussianIbrahim، Alshbul, Bella, KonstantinovnaAssociation of Arab Universities Journal for Arts17Association of Arab Universities Journal for Arts2020
ЯЗЫКОВАЯ РЕПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ АРХЕТИПНЫХ КОНЦЕПТОВ В СВЕТЕ МЕЖКУЛЬТУРНОЙ КОММУНИКАЦИИИбрагим Аль - Шабуль - Ирина Кушнирمجلة أتحاد الجامعات العربية للأداب----الجمعية العلمية للكليات الأداب2020
ADVANCING FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING WITH AI-ASSISTED MODELS; INSIGHTS FROM LECTURERS AND UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATORSDr. Nabil Al-Awawdeh, Dr. Ibrahim Abdallah Al-shaboul, Dr. Mohamad Ahmad Saleem KhasawnehJournal of Namibian Studies--------14/5/2023
MEDICAL DISCOURSE: FUNCTIONAL AND COMMUNICATIVE ASPECTDr.Iryna Mykolayivna Kushnir; Dr.Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Shboulمجلة كلية الاداب.القاهرةVolume 83مجلة كلية الاداب.القاهرة2023.2.1
Students’ Perceptions on the Effects of Blogging Sites in Enhancing their Motivation for Foreign Languages Writing and Reading ProficiencyDr. Ibrahim Abdallah Al-shaboul1 , Dr. Tahira Kalsoom2 , Dr. Shadi Majed Alshraah3 , Dr. Mohamad Ahmad Saleem KhasaMigration LettersVol.20Migration letters2023
Integrating Telemedicine, Health Informatics, and Smart City with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030: Advancing Sdgs 3 and 11Ahmad Subhi Salem Mufleh1 *, Shadi Majed Alshraah2 , Nabil AL-Awawdeh3 , Ahmad Marzouq Alshraah4 , Ibrahim Abdallah Al-shaboul5 , Eman Fawzi Alshatnawi6 , Ayah Alshatnawi7 , Saddam H. M. Issa8Cuadernos de Economía47Cuadernos de Economía2042
A critical examination of how AI-driven writing tools have impacted the content, style, and organization of foreign language undergraduates’ writing: A survey of lecturers.Ibrahim Abdallah Al-Shaboul, Rafat Mahmoud Al Rousan, Tahira Kalsoom, & Nabil A-Awawdeh.2024Research Journal in Advanced HumanitiesVolume 5, I,Published in Nairobi, Kenya by Royallite Global2024