Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Thujone improves glucose homeostasis in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats through activation of AAlkhateeb HJournal of experimental and integrative medicine. 5(1):30-352015
Restoring skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity and fatty acids oxidation by AICAR rescues proglycogenAlkhateeb HResearch and reviews in biosciences 8(10): 367-3732014
In vivo anti-diabetic activity of thujone in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Alkhateeb HMinerva Endocrinologica37(4):117-1182012
Increasing skeletal muscle FATP1 targets fatty acids to oxidation and does not predispose mice to diHolloway GP, Chou CJ, Lally J, Stellingwerff T, Maher AC, Gavrilova O, Haluzik M, Alkhateeb H, ReitmDiabetologia 54:1457-14672011
Overexpression of the fatty acid transporters CD36 and FABPpm in rat skeletal muscle enhances the acLally J.S.V, Nickerson J, Alkhateeb H, Bonen AJournal of Diabetes 3(S1):193-1942011
Skeletal muscle fatty acid oxidation is not directly associated with AMPK or ACC2 phosphorylationAlkhateeb H, Holloway GP and Bonen A.Appl Physiol Nutr Metab.36: 361-3672011
Thujone, a component of medicinal herbs, rescues palmitate-induced insulin resistance in skeletal muAlkhateeb H, Holloway GP, Bonen AAm J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 299(3):R804-122010
Restoring AS160 phosphorylation rescues skeletal muscle insulin resistance and fatty acid oxidation Alkhateeb H, Chabowski A, Glatz JF, Gurd B, Luiken JJ, Bonen AAm J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 297: E1056-E10662009
Greater transport efficiencies of the membrane fatty acid transporters FAT/CD36 and FATP4 compared wNickerson JG, Alkhateeb H, Benton CR, Lally J, Nickerson J, Han XX, Wilson MH, Jain SS, Snook LA, GlJ Biol Chem. 284(24):16522-302009
Two phases of palmitate-induced insulin resistance in skeletal muscle : Impaired GLUT4 translocationAlkhateeb H, Chabowski A, Glatz JF, Luiken JJ, Bonen A.Am J Physiol Endocrinology Metab. 293(3) :E783-932007
Fatty acid binding protein facilitates sarcolemmal fatty acid transport but not mitochonderial oxidaHolloway GP, Lally J, Nickerson JG, Alkhateeb H, Snook LA, Heigenhauser GJ, Calles-Escandon J, GlatzJ physiol. 582(pt1) :393-4052007
Viability of the isolated soleus muscle during long-term incubation. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 31(4) Alkhateeb H, Chabowski A, Bonen A.Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 31(4) :467-762006
Antitumor Action of Amygdalin on Human Breast Cancer Cells by Selective Sensitization to Oxidative StressMuayad Mehdi Abboud, Wajdy Al Awaida, Hakam Hasan Alkhateeb & Asia Numan Abu-AyyadNutrition and Cancer-------- 08 Nov 201
ANALGESIC EFFECT OF QUERCETIN 3,7-O-DIMETHYL ETHER ISOLATED FROM SALVIA OFFICINALISEsam Qnais*1, Yousra Bseiso1, Kawthar Kayed2, Mohammad Wedyan1, and Hakam Alkhateeb3Pharmacologyonline--------August 30 2
Antinociceptive and Antiinflammatory Activities of Anastatica hierochuntica and Possible Mechanism of ActionA. ALATSHAN*, ESAM QNAIS, M. WEDYAN, Y. BSEISO, ELHAM ALZYOUD, RIHAN BANAT AND H. ALKHATEEB1Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences--------Accepted 28
Antinociceptive effects of essential oil of Melissa officinalis L. in ratsEsam Qnais1*, Yousra Bseiso1, Mohammad Wedyan1 and Hakam Alkhateeb2Der Pharma Chemica-------- 2016, 8(13
Chemical composition and antinociceptive effects of essential oil from aerial parts of Gundelia tournefortii L Asteraceae (Compositae) in ratsEsam Qnais1,3*, Yousra Bseiso1, Mohammad Wedyan1, Maryam Al-Omari2, Hakam Alkhateeb2Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research--------2016; 15 (1
Comparison of Antinociceptive activity of Origanum majorana L. methanol leaf extract in mice in different modelsEsam Qnais1*, Yousra Bseiso1, Mohammad Wedyan1 and Hakam Alkhateeb2Der Pharma Chemica-------- 2016, 8(13
Severing the ventral funiculus in chronic spinal cord injury has the most deteriorating effect on spermatogenesis in ratsEzidin G. Kaddumia,⁎, Samya A. Omoushb, Dalal A. Shuqairb, Wesam Abdel-Razaqc, Hakam H. Alkhateebd, Reem A. KanaaneAutonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical-------- 16 January
Evaluation of Analgesic Activity of the Methanol Extract from the Leaves of Arum palaestinum in Mice and RatsESAM QNAIS1* , YOUSRA BSEISO1, MOHAMMAD WEDYAN1 and HAKAM ALKHATEEB2Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal--------June 14, 20
Screening for CYP2C19 Gene variants in a healthy Jordanian populationSalem Yasin1*, Lubna Tahtamouni1, Rema Al-Khateeb1, Reem Abdellatif1, Zainab Al-Mazaydeh1, Ala'a Al-Emerieen2, Hakam Al-Khateeb3 and Al-Hakam Al-Hadidi4Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research--------December 20
Eugenolamelioratesinsulinresistance,oxidativestressandinflammationinhigh fat-diet/streptozotocin-induceddiabeticratBahaaAl-Trad⁠a⁠,⁠⁎,HakamAlkhateeb⁠b,WesamAlsmadi⁠a,MazharAlzoubiLife Scienc--------15 November
Preventive effect of oleate on palmitate-induced insulin resistance 5 in skeletal muscle and its mechanism of actionHakam Alkhateeb1 & Esam Qnais2J Physiol Biochem-------- 25 Septemb
EVALUATION OF THE ANTINOCICEPTIVE EFFECTS OF THE ESSENTIAL OIL FROM AERIAL PARTS OF ANASTATICA HIEROCHUNTICA IN EXPERIMENTAL MODELS 2Esam Qnais*1,3, Nabeel Modallal1, Yousra Bseiso1, Mohammad Wedyan1 and Hakam Alkhateeb2pharmacologyonline--------December 30 ISSN: 1820-8620 PLASMA GLUCOSE-LOWERING EFFECT OF THUJONE AND ITS MOLECULAR MECHANISMS OF ACTION IN STREPTOZOTOCIN-INDUCED DIABETIC RATSHakam Alkhateeb1,2*, Mohammed Al-duais3, Esam Qnais4 , Bahaa Trad5, Laila Matalgah1pharmacologyonline--------April 30, 2
Inhibitory Effect of Thymoquinone on Testosterone-Induced Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in Wistar RatsBahaa Al-Trad,1* Mazhar Al-Zoubi,2 Janti Qar,1 Khalid Al-Batayneh,1 Emad Hussien,1 Riyadh Muhaidat,1 Alaa Aljabali,3 Hakam Alkhateeb2 and Ghada Al Omari1PHYTOTHERAP-------- 06 Septemb
Effect of chronic spinal cord injury's severity on sperm parameters in rat: correlation with locomotion deficits.------------International Journal of Neuroscience2020-08-06 00:00:00
Evaluation of antidiabetic, antioxidant and antilipidemic potential of natural dietary product prepared from Cyphostemma digitatum in rats’ model of diabetesHakam Alkhateeb, Mohammed Al‐DuaisJ Herb med Pharmacol11Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences2022
Understanding the Mechanism Underlie the Antidiabetic Activity of Oleuropein Using Ex-Vivo ApproachHakam Hasan Alkhateeb, Nasser Mohammed Kaplan, Mohammed Al‐DuaisReports of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology11Varastegan Institute for Medical SciencesApr. 2022
Co-overexpression of CD36 and FABPpm increases fatty acid transport additively, not synergistically, within muscleGraham P. Holloway, James G. Nickerson, James S.V. Lally, Heather L. Petrick, Kaitlyn M.J.H. Dennis, Swati S. Jain, Hakam Alkhateeb, and Arend Bonen1Am J Physiol Cell Physiol322American physiological society09/02/2022