Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Human Rights in Jordan: Hopefully and Reality, Arab Future Journal, Arab Unity Studies Center, Beiru
Political Reform: Theoretical Study, Al-Manarah Journal, Al al-Bayt University, Mafraq Jordan, Vol.
Towards the Birth of A New Democratic Constitution in Jordan, Future Studies Journal, Assyout Univer
The Crisis of State and Society in Sudan: Case Study, Darfur, Arab Future Journal, Arab Unity Studie
Democratic Change in the Sultanate of Oman: Status quo, Challenges and Future Horizons. Journal of
Obama: A New Lesson in Democracy. Arab Future Journal, Arab Unity Studies Center, Beirut, Lebanon,
The Future of Islamic Political Groups in the Middle East and the Position of the Great Powers Towar
Kuwait’s Democratic Experiment: Roots, Reality, Challenges and Prospects for the Future, Association
The Attitudes of public Jordanian Universities' students towards the political orientations of U.S.
The Camp David Accords: Lessons and Facts, Association of Arab Universities Journal of Arts, Yarmouk
Factors and Manifestations of the Ideological Extremism as Realized by Youth in Jordanian Univercite
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•حقوق الإنسان في الأردن في ضوء تقارير وزارة الخارجية الأمريكيةأ.د. محمد تركي بني سلامة. د.خالد مفضي الدباس. د وصفي محمد عقيلمجلة العلوم الاجتماعية مجلس النشر العلمي، جامعة الكويت45----2017
•دور مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي في تشكيل الوعي السياسي لدى الشباب الجامعي الأردنيأ.د. محمد تركي بني سلامةالمنارة، جامعة آل البيت، المفرق22مجلة المنارة جامعة آل البيت2016
•أثر المتغيرات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية على اتجاهات طلبة الجامعات الأردنية حيال التوجهات السياسية للرئيس الأمريكي بارك أوباماأ.د.محمد تركي محمد بني سلامةمجلس النشر العلمي، جامعة الكويت364مجلس النشر العلمي، جامعة الكويت2012
مستقبل جماعات الإسلام السياسي في الشرق الأوسط وموقف القوى العظمى منهاأ.د. محمد تركي محمد بني سلامةمجلة أبحاث اليرموك سلسلة العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية29مجلة أبحاث اليرموك سلسلة العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية2011
•اوباما درس جديد في الديمقراطيةأ.د. محمد تركي بني سلامةالمستقبل العربي، مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية361المستقبل العربي، مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية2009
• Elite Circulation: Case Study of the Jordanian Parliament:1989-2016.أ.د. محمد تركي بني سلامةDirasat: Human and Social Sciences. Jordanian University----Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences. Jordanian University2018
The Impact of Economic Reform on Political Reform : Jordan as a Modelأ.د. محمد تركي بني سلامةAmerican Journal of Industrial and Business Management8American Journal of Industrial and Business Management2018
Human Rights in the Jordanian Constitution: Between Theoretical Texts and Practical Applicationأ.د. محمد تركي بني سلامةInternational Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies----International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies2018
The American Russian Rivalry in the Middle Eastأ.د. محمد تركي بني سلامةInternational Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences----International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences2018
Political reform in Jordan: Reality and Aspirationsأ.د. محمد تركي بني سلامةWorld Affairs Journal----World Affairs Journal2017
Challenges Facing National Security in the Arab Gulf States : A Case Study of Bahrainأ.د. محمد تركي بني سلامةInternational Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences12International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences2017
The World Bank and International Monetary Fund as Mechanisms of Western Domination: Historical and Contemporary Analysisأ.د. محمد تركي بني سلامةAssociation of Arab Universities Journal of Arts, Yarmouk University.2Association of Arab Universities Journal of Arts, Yarmouk University.2017
Feminist Elites in Democratic Jordan: Features and Characteristics:1989-2016.أ.د. محمد تركي بني سلامةResearch in Political Sociology----Research in Political Sociology2018
The European Policies towards the problem of migration from the Arab Spring countriesأ.د. محمد تركي بني سلامةBritish Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.----British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.2017
The Identity Crisis in Jordan: Historical Paths and Contemporary Debatesأ.د. محمد تركي بني سلامةNationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity----Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity2016
Constitutional Reforms in Jordan: A Critical Analysisأ.د. محمد تركي بني سلامةDigest of Middle East Studies24Digest of Middle East Studies2015
الحراك الشبابي الأردني في ظل الربيع العربيأ.د. محمد تركي بني سلامةمؤسسة المستقبل ومركز البديل للدراسات والأبحاث، عمان، الأردن----مؤسسة المستقبل ومركز البديل للدراسات والأبحاث، عمان، الأردن2013
المرأة والسياسة مقدمة في التمكين السياسي للمرأةأ.د. محمد تركي بني سلامةدار الجندي للنشر والتوزيع، فلسطين----دار الجندي للنشر والتوزيع، فلسطين2016
• The Politics of Migration from Arab Spring Countries to Europe.Mohamme Bani Salameh and Mohammed katatshehDirasat: Human and Social Sciences----Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences.accepted fo
• The Political Implications of Syrian Refugees Crisis to JordanMohammed Bani Salameh and Aymen HayajnehMiddle East Quarterly.26Middle East Forum2019
How Jordan can cope The End of Syrian WarMohammed Bani Salameh &Ayman HayajnehMiddle East Quarterly26ForumSummer2019
Muslim Brotherhood and the Jordanian State: Containment or Fragmentation Bets? (1999-2018)mohammed Torki Bani SalamehAsian Journal of comparative politics--------accepted fo
The Socio-Political Implications of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on Jordan: 2011-2018mohammed bani salameh et aljournal of politics and law13candian center of science and education2020
Muslim Brotherhood and the Jordanian State: Containment or Fragmentation Bets? (1999-2018)--------------------
Muslim Brotherhood and the Jordanian State: Containment or Fragmentation Bets? (1999-2018) --------24Asian Journal of Comparative Politics2019-12-12 00:00:00
The Socio-Political Implications of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on Jordan: 2011-2018--------13Journal of Politics and Law2020-02-29 00:00:00
Dam Wars: Are Ethiopia, Turkey, and Iran Leading to Water Armageddon?محمد تركي بني سلامةMiddle East Policy----Wileyمقبول
US Strategy for Human Rights in the Arab World: Egypt Case Study (2001-2018) --------47Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences2020-12-01 00:00:00
The Impact of Terrorism on Tourism: Pilot Study 2007–2017: Case Study of Jordan, Egypt, Spain and FranceMohammed Bani Salameh, Ibraheem HouraniDirasat--------accepted fo
• The Politics of Migration from the Arab Spring Countries to Europe.Mohammed Bani SalamehاDirasat46Jordanian University2019
The Politics of Migration from the Arab Spring Countries to Europe--------46دراسات / الجامعة الاردنية 2019-12-01 00:00:00
• Dam Wars: Are Ethiopia, Turkey, and Iran Leading to Water Armageddon? Middle East Policy. --------28Middle East Policy/Wiley Blackwell2021-05-19 00:00:00
الأمن الجماعي العربي في السياق الإقليمي(2020-2010)محمد بني سلامة واخروندراسات--------مقبول
The Impact of the United States Policy on Military Spending in the Arab Gulf States During the Reign of Donald Trump: 2017-2020.Mohammed Bani Salameh and Laith Smadiدراسات--------مقبول للنشر
The Water Crisis and the Conflict in the Middle EastMohammed Bani Saameh et allSustainable Water Resources Management.7Springer2021
The Water Crisis and the Conflict in the Middle East--------7Sustainable Water Resources Management2021-08-04 00:00:00
Understanding Israel’s foreign policy from the perspective of Identity and SecurityMohammed T. Bani SalamehInsight Turkey--------2022
Bahrain's Vision of National Security in the Gulf's New Security ArrangementsDr.Mohammed Torki Bani SalamehMiddle East Policy----Wily2023
The Impact of the Deep State on Democratic Transformation: A Case Study of Jordan. JMohammed Bani Salameh & Aref Bani HamadJournal of Southwest Jiaotong University58Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University2023
Beyond Borders: Impacts of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on Jordan,Mohammed T. Bani SalamehRefugees and Migrants-Current Conditions and Future Trends1OpenTech2024