Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
• Al-Zoubi, Hussein R., Mahmood A. Al-Khassaweneh, and Amin T. Alqudah. "Precise and accurate decima
• A. Alqudah, H. Al-Zoubi, and M. Al-Khassaweneh, "Shift and Scale Invariant Recognition of Printed
• Amin Alqudah, "Survey of Surface Reconstruction Algorithms", Journal of Signal and Information Pro
• Qais Yousef, Amin Alqudah and Shadi Alboon,”Forward Vehicle Collision Mitigation by Braking Syste
• Amin Alqudah and Hussien Al-Zoubi, "Efficient k-Class Approach for Face Recognition". Computers an
Sliding Window Based Support Vector Machine System for Classification of Breast Cancer Using Histopathological Microscopic ImagesAmin Alqudah and Ali AlqudahIETE Journal of Research--------8/3/2019
Verification of the Feed-forward Control for A Piezoelectric Actuator Using Differential Flatness ApproachJomah Alzoubi, Shadi A. Alboon and Amin AlqudahJournal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures--------2018
Stochastic-Based Robust Dynamic Resource Allocation for Independent Tasks in Heterogeneous Computing SystemMohsen Amini Salehi, Jay Smith, Anthony A. Maciejewski, Howard Jay Siegel, Edwin K. P. Chong, Jonathan Apodaca, Luis D. Briceno, Timothy Renner, Vladimir Shestak, Joshua Ladd, Andrew Sutton, David Janovy, Sudha Govindasamy, Amin Alqudah, Rinku Dewri, Puneet PrakashJournal of Parallel and Distributed Computing--------2016
Brain Tumor Classification Using Deep Learning Technique - A Comparison between Cropped, Uncropped, and Segmented Lesion Images with Different SizesAli Mohammad Alqudah1,*, Hiam Alquraan1, Isam Abu Qasmieh1, Amin Alqudah2, Wafaa Al-Sharu3International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering--------2019
TOWARDS MODELING HUMAN BODY RESPONSIVENESS TO GLUCOSE INTAKE AND INSULIN INJECTION BASED ON ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKSAmin Alqudah, Abdel Rahman Bani Younes, and Ali AlqudahJordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology6Scientific Research Support Fund of Jordan (SRSF) and Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT)2020-01-11 00:00:00
Brain Tumor Classification Using Deep Learning Technique - A Comparison between Cropped, Uncropped, and Segmented Lesion Images with Different Sizes --------8----2020-01-11 00:00:00
Controlling of Wind Turbine Generator System based on Genetic Fuzzy-PID ControllerAmin Alqudah, Ahmad M. Ashour, and Shadi AlboonInternational Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering9WARSE02/2020
Transmission over Gaussian MIMO half-duplex relay channelZouhair Al-qudah, Amin Alqudah, Khalid A. DarabkhPhysical Communication40elsevier31/3/2020
Controlling of Wind Turbine Generator System based on Genetic Fuzzy-PID Controller--------9----2020-02-28 00:00:00
Transmission over Gaussian MIMO half-duplex relay channel--------40Physical Communication/Elsevier2020-03-31 00:00:00
An OpenCL-Based Parallel Acceleration of a Sobel Edge Detection Algorithm Using Intel FPGA Technology--------32South African Computer Journal 2020-07-20 00:00:00
Lightweight Deep Learning for Malaria Parasite Detection Using Cell-Image of Blood Smear ImagesAmin Alqudah, Ali Mohammad Alqudah, Shoroq QazanRevue d'Intelligence Artificielle34IIETA20/11/2020
Lightweight Deep Learning for Malaria Parasite Detection Using Cell-Image of Blood Smear Images --------34Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle/IIETA2020-11-20 00:00:00
Morphological Based Method for Automated Extraction and Classification of ECG ST-T WaveAli Mohammad Alqudah, Amin AlqudahInstrumentation Mesure Métrologie20----17/3/2021
Morphological Based Method for Automated Extraction and Classification of ECG ST-T Wave--------20Instrumentation Mesure Métrologie/Lavoisier2021-02-28 00:00:00